The new focus trees are clearly created with the viewpoint that 'bigger is better'. one building slot? It feels like whoever designed the selections has barely played any strategy games and certainly never played HOI4 competitively in mulitplayer - where min/maxing is essential. For example, spending 100 political power to create. In terms of features, the new Decisions system is hamstrung by the fact that none of the choices are any good. It was better when traits were gained automatically based on fighting conditions. If I have 10x generals controlling my 240 divisions as Russia, I don't even have time or interest in managing the traits of my Generals.

Tonally it is too much 'RPG', out of place in a grand strategy. The traits system for Generals feels unnecessarily complex, and just added on for the sake of it, rather than an actual improvement over the old system. Its needless busywork that never should have been introduced. When you're fighting with hundreds of divisions, your time is spent manually allocating your divisions among your generals and fixing all the broken frontlines. Now, you must manually assign each division against an individual general, with 24 divisions maximum. Previously you could assign an unlimited number of divisions against a single Field Marshall. The biggest culprit is the new 'Chain of Command' system. Its makes you realise how good TFV and DoD were. The new features added make the game worse, and the the overall direction of the game feels lazy.
Hearts of iron iv waking the tiger Patch#
Overall, I'm disappointed with the patch and expansion. Time split between competitive multiplayer, and single player. Hearts of Iron IV: Micro the Tiger 800 hour player, 7 hours with the DLC.